A Vimeo OnDemand Instructional Video
“People with co-occurring conditions are an expectation not an exception; these individuals and families should be welcomed as a priority for help and hope, wherever and whenever they present.”
Co-occurring/Complexity Capability
Dr. Ken Minkoff describes the importance of designing every aspect of a behavioral health and/or health system to be about the needs and hopes of people with complex challenges who come to the door.
Learn Six Evidence-based Principles
Evidence-based principles of successful integrated treatment can be applied by anyone for any population they are serving. Learn specific interventions associated with each principle.
Quickly Apply What You Learn
You will come away with an ability to quickly apply these principles and interventions in your own work, and to make progress in developing competency and capability to work with people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions.
Free Bonus Materials
Download simple materials that you can use to organize integrated case presentations and formulations, integrated stage-matched treatment interventions, and integrated recovery-oriented treatment plans, as well as a 12-step Program for developing co-occurring or complexity competency.
Rent or Purchase
Rent: $19.99 for 30 days (streaming)
Purchase: $39.99 (download or streaming)
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