This page will always be a “work in progress,” dedicated to providing and linking you with the most current and useful information for project implementation, change agents, and people and their families who seek services.
Overview Documents
- 12 Steps for Agencies/Programs Developing Co-occurring Capability
- 12 Steps of Complexity Competency for Adult Staff
- 12 Steps of Complexity Competency for Child/Family Staff
- 15 Steps for System Implementation Teams Developing Co-occurring Competency
- Integrated Scope of Practice for Singly Trained Clinicians Working with People with Co-occurring Issues
- CCISC Description and Principles of Complexity Capability
- Principles Crosswalk
For Organizations and Programs
- Integrated Organizational Recovery Plan Template
- Co-occurring Capability Development Program Report (for programs using COMPASS-EZ™)
- Co-occurring Capability Development Program Report (for programs using COMPASS-EZ™ or COMPASS-ID™)
For Clinicians and Providers
- Integrated Person-centered, Hopeful, Strength-based Recovery Plan Template
- CCISC Case Presentation Format
- Adult Recovery Plan Template
- Child/Family Recovery Plan Template
Sample Screening Tools
- CRAFFT Alcohol and Drug Screening Interview
- CIWA Alcohol Scale
- Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST)
- Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (SMAST)
- Drug Use Questionnaire (DAST-10)
- Mental Health Screening Form III
- CAGE Substance Abuse Screening Tool
- Mental Illness Drug and Alcohol Screening (MIDAS)
- AC-OK Screen for Co-occurring Disorders
- NIDA Modified Assist