Announcement of ISMICC Committee Members and Meeting

The Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC), of which Ken Minkoff is a member, is meeting for the first time on August 31, 2017.  Follow this link to learn how to watch the meeting and comment on what is being discussed.  The committee members will discuss federal advances to serious mental health issues along with other important matters.

ISMICC Meeting

Ken was made a member of the ISMICC in June of this year.

Ken has been appointed by Health and Human Services Secretary, Tom Price, to membership on the newly created (by the federal CURES Act) Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC). The ISMICC is the first effort by the federal government to establish a formal mechanism for aligning the work of multiple federal departments and agencies in a coordinated effort to address the needs of individuals with serious mental illness.  This provides an opportunity to bring together Health and Human Services (SAMHSA, CMS), Housing and Urban Development, National Institute of Mental Health, Veterans Administration and multiple other federal entities to join with representatives of state and county systems, provider organizations, professionals, and consumers/families.  Dr. Minkoff’s 40 years of expertise in all aspects of community psychiatry and service/system development for individuals with Serious Mental Illness and other complex needs (Substance Use Disorders, health, Criminal Justice, housing, recovery/rehabilitation), as well as expertise in managed care, and in the functioning of state and local delivery systems in almost every state, are the qualifications that led to his selection.


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