A Self-survey Tool for Participating Organizations and Agencies in Community-based System of Care Partnerships

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The SOCAT™ is a self-assessment tool that helps systems, agencies, and programs combine two system improvement activities—Children and/or Adult System of Care (SOC) development and Comprehensive Continuous Integrated System of Care (CCISC) implementation—in order to make progress in developing systems and services better designed to inspire hope and improve outcomes for individuals and families with multiple and complex challenges.

The SOCAT™ is intended for collaborative use by behavioral health programs, developmental disability support providers, community corrections, juvenile justice services, child or adult protective services, public safety programs, schools, primary health providers, housing programs, and other partners. Use of the SOCAT™ can help any type of local system collaborative— and each partner organization in the collaborative—to find meaningful “next steps” in integrated SOC implementation and develop its own SOC Quality Improvement Action Plan.

SOCAT™ is designed as a companion to other CCISC tools, to help systems, partner organizations, and programs working on developing welcoming, recovery-/resiliency-oriented, trauma-informed, co-occurring capable or complexity-capable services to work in partnership to develop a local Children and/or Adult System of Care. SOCAT™ is also designed to help organizations working on SOC consider how to incorporate universal complexity (co-occurring) capability throughout SOC design.

SOCAT™ is designed to facilitate structured and meaningful conversation about the organization’s efforts to bring SOC and CCISC values, principles, and partnerships to life. The tool has three parts, each of which reflects different levels of implementation activity:

  • Being a Successful Organizational Partner at the Community Table (System Partnership Level)
  • Using SOC Core Values and Guiding Principles within the Organization (Agency or Organization Level)
  • Improving Practices Inside Services, Treatment and Supports (Practice Level)


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